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Feared cholesterol, but it takes

Written By bopuluh on Kamis, 07 Juli 2011 | 00.13

Unhealthy lifestyles have made an enemy of human cholesterol. Yet, these substances are beneficial to brain and liver, and neural networks that exist in the human body. In fact, cholesterol plays a role in the formation of sex hormones.

Hearing the word cholesterol, our minds are most certainly directed to the executioners diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and so on. Opinion is increasingly shaped by the many advertisements of food products which gives the lure of "cholesterol free".

Excessive exposure, suggesting that cholesterol is a great enemy to human health. Really dangerous cholesterol?
Judging from history, cholesterol does give a bad record for the medical world. In 1908, experts have found that experimental animals fed meat, dairy fat, and eggs in excess will have fatty deposits on the walls of the arteries (blood vessels).

This causes the blood vessels become narrower, referred to as atherosclerosis. The process lasts very long and is a forerunner of stroke and heart attack. In 1913, some experts theorized that the fat is cholesterol deposition.

In 1916, Cornelius de Langen, a Dutch physician who was working in Indonesia, found that the number of native Indonesia is suffering from heart disease is lower than the Dutch people who lived in Indonesia.

He speculated that low cholesterol content among Indonesia due to a diet that contains more elements of the plant, rather than Dutch people who prefer meat and other animal foods.
At the end of World War II, the experts research in Scandinavia found that deaths from heart disease dropped dramatically during the war. This is due to decreased consumption of meat, milk, and eggs.

Currently the scientists found that people who suffer from heart disease, generally have higher cholesterol levels than healthy people.

In developed countries the consumption of high cholesterol (such as the United States), heart disease is one of the leading causes of death. Report of the American Heart Association (AHA) says that more than 100 million U.S. adults have cholesterol levels above the average, and 40 million of them have very high cholesterol levels. These conditions led to the death rate from heart disease and stroke reaches 500,000 people each year.
In 1976, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that calcification of the heart due to cholesterol has been experienced by someone since the age of 20. Liming is increasingly thickened 3 percent annually.

Looking at the facts above, not surprisingly, many people identified cholesterol as something that is harmful to human health although opinions are not entirely correct. This paper will provide balanced information about the positive and negative effects of cholesterol.

Formed in the Body
Is cholesterol really is? Cholesterol is a typical product of animal metabolism. Cholesterol is found only in foods of animal origin such as meat, fish, eggs, milk, brain, and viscera. Judging from their chemical structure, cholesterol is a steroid group, ie a substance belonging to the class of lipids.

In humans, cholesterol itself can be synthesized in the body, namely in the liver, cortex, adrenal, skin, intestine, testis, stomach, muscle, adipose tissue, and brain. Approximately 17 percent of the dry weight of the brain composed of cholesterol. Thus, no cholesterol, brain structure can not be formed.

Although it is considered dangerous, cholesterol is still needed by the body. Average human takes 1100 milligrams of cholesterol per day to maintain cell walls and other physiological functions. Of these 25-40 percent (200-300 mg) are normally derived from food and the remainder is synthesized by the body.

If the amount of cholesterol in the body is less, the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver and intestines increased to meet the needs of other tissues and organs. Conversely, if the amount of cholesterol in the diet increased, the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver and intestine decreased.

Although the body can synthesize the needs cholesterol, cholesterol from food plays an important role because it is a major sterol in the human body, as well as the components of the cell surface and intracellular membranes.

Research in mice suggests, if there is only 0.05 percent of cholesterol in the diet, 70-80 percent of the cholesterol the body will be synthesized in the liver, small intestine, and adrenal glands. If the cholesterol content in foods rose 2 percent, kolsterol biosynthesis in the body dropped to 10-30 percent.

Cholesterol your body needs, among others, in the synthesis of bile acids needed for digestion of fat or oil, vitamin D synthesis, and as a component of cell membranes. Cholesterol has a crucial role in the body for not only forming cell membranes, but also other common biosynthetic precursor, including sex hormones and bile acids.

Cholesterol is a precursor of bile acids expenditures which are synthesized in the liver and serves to absorb triglycerides (triasilogliserol) and fat soluble vitamins from food, as well as precursors of steorid hormone, estrogen, and testosterone.

Another role of cholesterol, which helps nerve cells function. When no cholesterol, coordination of gestures and speech will be disrupted.

Types of Cholesterol
When the body is healthy and normal food consumption, body tends to maintain cholesterol balance. Diasup and synthesized cholesterol is converted into body tissue, hormones, and vitamins are then circulated into the body via the blood.

Cholesterol can not dissolve in blood. To be transported in the bloodstream, cholesterol along with other fats (triglycerides and phospholipids) must bind to proteins to form an insoluble compound, which is a lipoprotein.

Chylomicrons is a lipoprotein that transports fat to the liver. In the liver, fat ties are discussed, so that the element is formed back fat. Fatty acids that form will be used as an energy source or if the amount of excess will be stored in fatty tissue.

When cholesterol intake is insufficient, the liver cells will produce it. From the liver, cholesterol is transported by a lipoprotein called LDL (low density lipoprotein) to be brought to the body cells that need it, including the heart muscle cells, brain, and others in order to function properly.

Excess cholesterol will be transported back by a lipoprotein called HDL (high density lipoprotein) to take to heart and it will be broken down and thrown into the gallbladder as bile acids.

LDL contains more fat than the HDL, so that he will be floating in the blood. The main proteins that form the apo-B LDL (apolipoprotein-B). LDL is considered as bad fats because it can cause the attachment of cholesterol in the blood vessel wall.

LDL cholesterol is the largest carrier, which is about 60 percent of the total plasma cholesterol. Although often referred to as bad cholesterol, LDL has an important role, namely to bring sterols into peripheral tissues and membranes are used for construction or for the formation of steroid hormones.

HDL is the lipoprotein particles are dense and small, disintetis in the liver and intestine. HDL is often referred to as good fats because in its operations it clears excess cholesterol from blood vessel walls to transport it back to the liver. It is thought to be the main mechanism of HDL in protecting blood vessels against atherosclerosis.

These good fats can remove cholesterol from foam cells in atherosclerosis injury or protect LDL from oxidative modification. Low levels of HDL in the plasma will increase the risk of coronary heart disease. The main proteins that form of HDL is Apo-A (apolipoprotein).

HDL has less fat content and high density or heavier.
00.13 | 0 komentar | Read More

Onions Prevent Diabetes

Onion (Allium cepa L) have the chromium content is good. Chromium acts to prevent diabetes mellitus. Such as garlic, onions are also essential for health.

However, in contrast with the garlic, onions on a sulfur component contained in the form of allyl propyl disulphide. This component plays an important role in lowering blood glucose, so good for diabetics.

Onions are also good for preventing heart attacks and strokes. Components of sulfur in onions will synergize with chromium and vitamin B6 to lower homocysteine ​​levels in the blood. Onions also have anti-inflammatory properties.

Components isothiocyanates (also found in broccoli) has been reported to inhibit cancer cells. These components are derived from compounds glukosinolates who experienced a change after onions bitten, chewed and digested. Onions also contain flavonoids that are very good components to prevent colon cancer.

Experts at the University of Hansom Switzerland has examined the benefits of onion on bone. Proven consumption of onions every day for 4 weeks can increase bone calcium concentration amplifier up to 17 percent.
00.10 | 0 komentar | Read More

Easy Steps to Lower Cholesterol

Lowering cholesterol by 1 percent could actually reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by 2 percent. Here are some tips to cut levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

1. Create a target
If you fall into the high risk of cardiovascular disease (family history, hypertension, obesity, and smoking), doctors usually target the reduction of bad cholesterol (LDL) less than 70.

For those in the moderate risk group, reduction in LDL levels 130 are considered good. If you are lucky to be in low risk groups, targeted levels of LDL is less than 160.

2. Sport
Not only lowers LDL cholesterol, physical activity done regularly can increase good cholesterol (HDL) to 10 percent. According to research conducted by experts. The key is to exercise regularly.

3. Avoiding saturated fats
Old theory says the way to reduce cholesterol is to stop eating eggs and other foods high in cholesterol. However, it is increasingly clear that the main culprit is saturated fat. That is why, limit food

4. Eat more fiber
Cereal seeds intact, vegetables and fruit, is the best source of antioxidants that are good for the heart, but also lowering cholesterol. The water-soluble fiber is believed to be more effective in lowering cholesterol because it is like a sponge and easily absorb cholesterol in the digestive tract.

5. Expand Fish
There are plenty of scientific evidence showing the benefits of eating fish rich in omega-3. American Heart Association recommends fish and fish oil supplements as a source of omega-3 good for the heart.

6. Consumption of green tea
Studies in experimental animals and humans suggest green tea contains substances that can lower the bad cholesterol.

7. Cholesterol-lowering drugs
In choosing fat-lowering drugs, consider the ability of these drugs in lowering bad cholesterol, triglycerides, and increase good cholesterol. Consider also the side effects of drugs and the price factor to remember this fat-lowering drugs usually need to be used in a long time.

8. Stop smoking
Smokers usually have very little good cholesterol levels
00.08 | 0 komentar | Read More

Onion, The King of Spices

Garlic is one of the most widely used spice in recipes Indonesia. Get to know the types.

1. Garlic (garlic)
Crushed garlic with the skin for its distinctive fragrance. Or it could be bought in bentu fresh or dried powder in a bottle. Garlic is a bulbous there is a single (single onion or a man) and is used for lowering cholesterol pickle also nutritious.

2. Onion (shallot)
Garlic is a flavoring tertenar in Asia. In addition to cooking, raw dibuah can be pickled or soy sauce. Fried onions are also often made from red onion, so the more special and delicious cuisine.

3. Onion (onion)
Aside from being a decoration, a large and thick flesh is often used for cooking. There are three types of onions, the yellow onion (yellow-brown and most on the market), then white onion, Italian red onion (red warnaya and sweet) that exist only in certain supermarkets.

4. Scallion (spring onion, green onion, scallions)
Leeks can be found in processed martabak eggs, soup, or seasoning powder. Although many species, the most common type is the scallion (allium fistulosum).

5. Leek (leek)
Similar to chives, but more compressed (flattened) to form the folds. Another differentiator is soft and slightly sweet aroma.

Used only the whites and for foreign dishes such as soups, quiche, pie, or in the raw state as a mixed salad.

6. Chive
Another name is a hobo and a lot of onions used in the kitchen Malay or Meda for seafood or pickled Bogor in a raw state. In Chinese food, bulbs used chive pan-fried with tofu and served as vegetables.

7. Onion flower
Long green stalks are soft and hollow with flower buds at the tip. Buy the flowers are still closes, because it feels good when sauteed with spices and even simple.

8. Laddie onion (chives) and chives
Garlic is a plant sonny red onions harvested while still convenient and commonly used as a flavoring broth rawon. Well, the difference with chives is more sprawl, not bulbous, like the grass is also less sharp aroma.
00.07 | 0 komentar | Read More

Talk Myths and Facts

A lot of myths circulating among the public about cholesterol. Lack of proper understanding can lead to misinformation about cholesterol and symptoms. To that end, it is important to straighten the myths that have long circulated in the community to cholesterol symptoms can be avoided by more careful and precise.

Myth: Eating goat meat will cause high cholesterol and hypertension. Fact: Not true. There is no evidence that goat meat has a higher fat content than any other red meat.

Myth: In people with high cholesterol, if diligent exercise and diet and body in a fit condition means good cholesterol levels. Fact: In addition to exercise and diet, there are other things that affect cholesterol levels, such as weight, smoking, family history, age, and gender. To be awake cholesterol, it takes a healthy lifestyle and medication adherence.

Myth: High cholesterol and cardiovascular disease just a matter of men. Fact: Not true. Although pre-menopausal women produce estrogen which can reduce the risk of heart disease, but keep in mind other factors such as hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, diabetes, heredity, and so on.

Myth: Just avoid the meat, coconut milk, and organ meats, cholesterol must be normal. Fact: Not necessarily, because 80 percent of blood cholesterol is produced from within our own bodies. When metabolism is deteriorating, then the drug is needed in addition to a healthy lifestyle modification.

Myth: High cholesterol levels are not dangerous because it does not cause symptoms. Fact: Although asymptomatic, high cholesterol levels are dangerous because it transforms the walls of blood vessels and lead to coronary heart disease.

Myth: High cholesterol is only suffered by parents. Fact: High cholesterol can be suffered by people of various ages, ranging from children, teens, to parents.

Myth: Fat people have higher cholesterol levels than lean people. Fact: Not necessarily, because cholesterol levels are influenced by many factors, including what we eat, how quickly your body to produce and dispose of bad cholesterol, level of health, and eating habits.
00.06 | 0 komentar | Read More

properties of onion

Behind its functions more as a spice in cooking, it turns red onion holds the potential as a drug-lowering bad cholesterol (LDL), the culprit of heart disease and stroke.

In research done by scientists in Hong Kong against the mice, it is known that mice given red onions for six weeks, bad cholesterol (LDL) they go down, but at the same time the good cholesterol (HDL) is not reduced. Previously, mice had been fed a high cholesterol so that cholesterol levels soaring.

"Shallots have interactions with certain enzymes which have cholesterol-lowering mechanism. This is the first study to examine the interaction of red onion with the body's biological functions," said Zhen Yu Chen, a researcher from the Chinese University in Hong Kong.

Researchers long as it's more examine the efficacy of garlic that are proven effective in preventing various diseases, including cancer, heart disease, and influenza. Let's wait, the advanced research of the efficacy of red onion.
00.05 | 0 komentar | Read More
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